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From the title above, we find two words that actually have different discussions. Participial Adjective is a participle which can be an adjective or has a function as an adjective.

As you know that participle has devided into two types, they are;

1.Present participle
2.Past participle

For examples:

speaking, listening, sitting, calling, etc., and
Spoken, listened, sat, called, etc.

Those examples are in present and past participle. We usually find the present participle in Progressive tense.

For examples:

I am speaking to him.
She was reading a newspaper.
I have told him a lie.
Their names were mentioned in the meeting.

All participles are verbs.
Here, we will discuss the participle changed into adjective. Then we name the discussion Participial adjectives.

Study this follows!

(a)She is annoying girl.
(b)She is annoyed.

In sentence (a) the word /annoying/ is a present participle and in sentence (b) the word /annoyed/ is past participle. In other words, they both are participle.

When there is a word positined before a noun, whatever the word is, it has the same function as an adjective. In this case the word /annoying/ is an adjective as well as the word /annoyed/ is. These pattern is called participial adjective.

Study this following illustration!


When the past participle is placed after a /be/. The sentence, actually, is a form of passive.

So, How do we make different of both cases (Adjective or passive) ?
Take notice the meaning!. When the verb (after changed) describes an activity, the verb turns to passive form. But when no activities detected when the verb changed, the verb turns to adjective.