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CASE STUDY ONE : Most learners said, " I am tired of classifying the uncountable nouns ". Perhaps, classifying uncountable nouns makes us bored and tired. But for me, more difficult the lessons, more enjoyable I get. That's who I am. I get accustomed to meet and make a friend with problem, case study and this makes me feel comfortable and I can enjoy this life as long as I can. You know something? problem is not a problem for me (I tell you this honestly), but it is my uniquee toy that will take me to the highest objectives as much as I want. Let's go to the point!.

I start this article with the pesimistic utterance, because I heard it very often from most of people around me who learn English grammar. They straightly said that Uncountable noun was impossible to classify because it contains many things and we need a lot of time to do that. Then I make a group which will discuss it. At last, we got it!. Here's the conclusion!

To classify the uncountable nouns ( you also can say : NonCount Nouns), we need to identify all the things that are included as uncountable nouns, such as, sugar, milk, hari, rain, etc. After that we classify them based on their characteristics.

For examples:

/ICE/ is an uncountable noun. Then, we try to find another by using the characteristic of the word /ice/. /ice/, physically, is like a crystal and solids, not fluid. After that you write on your book the big title for it, say, "SOLIDS". Look at this illustration below!

Before we go to the details, let me ask you something. How can I identify that, say "ice", is an uncountable noun? ... To memorize all the words that are included as uncountable nouns is, perhaps, impossible. But if you have much time to or you think that doing it is necessary even very important, memorizing it seems so possible and, perhaps, you think that it is A Must. Then, we do not need to learn how to classify the uncountable nouns, do we? If you say "Yes, we do". So, How can we ...?

Understanding the definition is actually very hard. But, I'm trying to discuss this with you.
Uncountable nouns are nouns which can not be counted or something uncountable based on its original creation. Creation here can be either in physically thing or abstract thing. Although it turns to be something else, like; /ice cream/ or coffee drink, etc. The original creation remains to exist or does not change. Let me say that soft drink, coffe drink, ice cream, etc is "made" from  fluids. But when /water/ is processed to be another creation, say "ice", the name goes different or it is classified as "Solids", Not "Fluids" anymore. But Think it deeply that, The change is in physical thing, not its original creation, Do you agree at me?. (defined by Herman -, Indonesia - 2010).

For examples:


It goes without saying and it is known that /ice/ is formed from water. As you know that /water/ is impossible to count because of its physically characteristic. /Water/ is, chemically, is "made" from Hydrogen(H) and oxygen (O2). The


/Bread/ is made from flour and other ingredients. After some time, it becomes /bread/ or a slice of bread. But ask yourself? What is the original creation? I think you will say, "flour". Flour is identified as a particle. It's like a dust. Perhaps, some one beside you says, "Wait!, Flour is from a flour tree. So, the original creation is the tree, not the flour because the flour is the result of the process". Well, I think your friend is too complicated to think.

Let me say something. Most of people knows something new when some one else tells about it. When you were still a cute baby, perhaps, you hadn't known what flour was. This happenned when your mother did something with it (say, Making a slice of bread). Then you asked to her what that thing was. Then your mother replied that it was a bowl of flour. From the event you knew, at last, that the thing was flour. It is impossible for your mother to explain it as detailed as possible about where it comes from and who had made it. Done!

Please visit me later to discuss this more detailed! I'll post the next article as soon as possible! See ya!