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Showing posts from January, 2010

A Summary of Tenses Understanding Principles and Its Value of Philosophy

Herman's Theory : Sebuah Summary dari Prinsip-Prinsip Dasar Pemakaian Tenses dan Nilai Filosofisnya.  Ketika kita berbicara masalah tenses, secara otomatis, kita diarahkan pada 2 hal utama yang saya namakan dengan "Inti Pemahaman Tenses" atau core of Tenses. Dan, Sebutan ini berlaku secara keseluruhan, artinya meliputi 16 tenses yang ada. Dengan kata lain, Untuk memahami tenses, Anda harus mengerti terlebih dahulu core of tenses tersebut, yakni: a.When we use a tense. Hendaklah Memahami kapan (mengarah pada sebuah waktu tertentu) kita menggunakan tense, misalnya, simple present tense b.What does it (pattern) look like? Hendaklah Memahami seperti apa pola atau bentuk atau susunan kalimat yang mengandung, misal, simple present tense itu. Bahasan Pokok a: Maksud dari "When we use a tense" adalah bertitik tolak pada kata tanya "When" yang berbarti "Kapan" atau "Bilamana" dan itu identik dengan waktu saat-saat terjadin...


USAGE Simple present tense is used when we would like to express something that we usually, often, always do everyday, e.g. I usually visit the museum with my uncle, or in our daily activities, e.g. I go to the museum every sunday, or something true according to all or most of people around us. Read this following paragraph carefully! Anton is a deligent student in Farming-School. He always comes in time and his teachers like him very much. Mrs.Queen, his biology teacher, often praises him in school meeting every saturday. he always achieve the best award in BSA (Best Student Award) annually held by regent of Jakarta. when we read the paragraph above, we will find 5 sentences that indicates the present simple, they are: 1. Anton is a deligent student in farming-school. 2. He always comes in time. 3. His teachers like him very much. 4. Mrs.Queen, his biology teacher,  often praises him in school meeting every saturday. 5. He always achieve the best award in BSA ...... ...


English Language is an internation language . Learning english for non native speakers should be done intensively. To comprehend English language, actually, is simple!. In this opportunity, let me please discuss what first things to do or to learn English effectively for you. 1.    Find a proper dictionary for you to start. Therefore, I recommend you to buy an oxford dictionary or webster’s dictionary (not to promote). It is because the dictionary has been completed with the 3 criteria as minimum requirements for a good dictionary: a.    How to pronounce or phonetic is available. b.    Type of word is available. 1)    n = noun 2)    v = verb 3)    vt = verb transitive 4)    vi = verb intransitive 5)    adj = adjective 6)    adv = adverb c.    Meaning is available d.    Examples of the word’s usage in a simple senten...

Online English Class (on-e-class)

Introduction ON-E-CLASS or Online English Class is a program originally designed by Joesoft7 ComputerMedia located in Dsn.Karang Sanggrahan, RT04, Plosogede, Ngluwar, Magelang 56485 - Central Java - Indonesia and presented to all non native speakers as well as English Learners around the world who wants to learn English Language via net or online. On the other hand, this program is under licence of Joesoft7 ComputerMedia and everything correlated to the management, operational or system in On-E-Class is legally copyrighted in 3 January 2011. On-E-Class focuses on 3 main targets. All students’ activities or programmes should go to the 3 main targets to achieve the highest target in Writing English Well. On-E-Class Final Target On-E-Class Final Target is Writing. Here, Writing Process or Learning becomes priority that all OEC (On-E-Class) learners must achieve. IIn line with the process, Speaking ability is also given (for non native speakers). 3 Main Target Reading and Listeni...
WELCOME TO 3NGLISH7 ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN FOCUS New English Grammar Explanation English Language is an International Language which is used by people around the world to communicate each other, to share, to exchange information, knowledge, science and many others.   Therefore, 3nglish7 wants to participate in English Grammar Discussion If you have something spesific to ask to Admin, Please send your statement at For Subscription, Please click the links below! Subscribe   or Feedburner This blog is dedicated to Mommy and Daddy, Youngers, specially to Adhya Rahman and my Beloved Queen Tira.  FEBRUARY 2010 - INDONESIA