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For non native speakers, To read a word by using good pronounciation is very hard specially for Indonesian learners. They say that the writing is different of the way to read or to pronounce. How to pronounce is different of how to spell. But in Indonesian language, The spelling of a word is the same as the way to read or to pronounce.

Study this follows!

/Home/ is pronounced; /houm/

/Rumah/ is pronounced; /rumah/

In other words, word - in indonesian language - is pronounced as in its spelling.

These differences make English Language hard to learn. And, the references for this topic is rare and only few can satisfy the learners. Therefore, in this opportunity, let me contribute what I know about How To Pronounce English Words for Non native speakers, specially for Indonesian and (or) ASEAN.

All languages have their own characters and sometimes the characteristic of the language makes English learners feel frustrated to go on their study. To support their study, they take an intensive English course in their town and even goes to university or academy in the overseas, specially in America and London. However, Best study of English Language is, of course, in where the native speakers are or live.

To reduce your confusing and frustrated, let me discuss the case in this page and if it is impossible to complete all discussions, we will continue to the next page and chance. Let's go to the point!


1. /oo/ (double /o/) is pronounced /=u=/, (Note: pronounced between /u/ and /e/) , as in;
e.g. good, look, shoot, boot, cook, took, wood, roof, food, foot, mood, tooth, root, smooth, school, tool, spoon, etc.
Except : Word ends letter /-d/ or /-r/.
e.g.oo, pronounced /a/, as in, flood /flad/,blood /blad/ ---> (/-d/)
e.g.oo, pronounced /o(r)/, as in, floor /flo(r)/, moore /mo(r)/ ---> (/-r/)

2. /ee/ (double /e/) is pronounced /i/, as in;
e.g. meet, see, weep, sleep, beef, deed, bee, teeth, feet, feed, beep, steel, feel, wheel, kneel, speed, keep, teenager, screen, etc.

3. /al(l)/
is pronounced /ol/, as in;
e.g. always, call, tall, ball, wall, hall, stall, mall, altogether, principal, adjectival, etc.

4. /ea/ is pronounced /i/, as in;
e.g. meat, seal, deal, real, heal, heat, beat, speak, tear, dear, clear, hear, scream, stream, beast, cease, tease, meal, steal, etc
Except : the letter in the start has /b/, /w/ or the combination like /br/ or /sw/ and has /r/, /d/ or /t/ at the end, as in; bear, wear, bread, sweat

5. /alk/ is pronounced /ok/, as in; e.g. talk, walk, chalk, etc.

6. /ade/ or /ate/ is pronounced /eid/ or /eit/, as in; e.g. made, fade, shade, bade, late, rate, gate, hate, mate, etc.

7. /ough/ is pronounced /af/, as in; e.g. enough, tough, cough, etc.

Next posting will be coming up! Just stay with me! I'll do my best 4 YOU!