Mood is a statement of fact or a question. When a statement or expression or verb expresses an action, that will be called Moods. Actually there three kinds of moods, they are;
1. Indicative mood
Indicative mood is used to make a statement of fact and ask a question.
For examples:
- Statement of fact:
He read a lot of book years ago.
She was punished by her parent.
- Ask A Question:
Are you sure?
Will you be back again?
Have you finished your duty?
2. Imperative Mood
Imperative mood is used to express a supposition.
For examples:
- Command:
Come here!
speak up!
Read the passage loudly!
- Exhortation:
Be careful!
Take care of yourself!
Be self-confidence!
Be deligent!
Try to do the best!
- An entreaty or prayer:
May god bless you!
Have mercy upon us!
3. Subjunctive Mood
Subjunctive is a statement which is used to express possibility, hypothesis or a condition. There are two kinds of subjunctive moods, they are:
1) Present Subjunctive
2) Past Subjunctive
For Present subjunctive, statement will be used to express Present subjunctive occurs.
For examples:
- Traditional Phrases
God save the king!
Heaven help us!
- Modern English
It is suggested that the names be mentioned in the meeting.
I recommended that all files be submitted immediately.
Take notice that, actually, there is /should/ before the be. The sentence then will be:
The names should be mention .......
All files should be submitted ......
a. Subjunctive "WISH"
For examples:
I wish I could fly
Take notice that the statement after /I wish/ is impossible thing. In other words, the statement is the same as, "I know that I can not fly".
study this following sentence structure!
b. Conditional Sentence
Conditional "IF" or "IF" Clause is also subjunctive because it contains untrue things or fact in the present time.
For examples:
If you were a bee, I would be a beautiful flower.
c. As if and As though
/As if/ or /as though/ is like the conditional sentence. This expression is called as subjunctive mood because it pretends to action. To make this sentence, turn into past form!
For examples:
He walks as if he got drunk.
He commands me as though he was a commander.
Take notice that there is no differences between /as if/ and /as though/.
d. Form of /It is time/ + Subject
For examples:
It is time we went.
It is time they did the deed.
e. /Would rather + subject/ which indicates preferences.
For examples:
I would rather you went on foot.
She would rather you treated us.